Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF

Do it for Kicks - Taekwon-Do ITF


This photos were taken by myself after the black belts certificate presentation ceremony. This action photos shown the strength and power of this korean traditional martial arts. Taekwon-Do ITF is not a martial sports that had been broadcast in TV but this arts is a special arts in which it teaches the students to use the hand ( TAE ) and their foot ( KWON ) to defend themselves in times of danger and most importantly to help other people in order to build a more peaceful world for every living creatures ( DO ).....

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010

Street Photography 2010


The photos were taken during a street photography session at the Kuching City Centre....These photos shown the uniqueness of our beloved Kuching City...the place of heritage....

Wedding (Donald & Tracy)

Wedding (Donald & Tracy)

Wedding (Donald & Tracy)

Wedding (Donald & Tracy)

Wedding (Donald and Tracy)

Wedding (Donald and Tracy)

Wedding (Donald and Tracy)

Wedding (Donald and Tracy)

Wedding (Donald and Tracy) - 301010


These photos were taken on the special day of matrimony of my best buddy and brother since my primary school days. The photos symbolized the changed of life and the starting of familyhood. It also shows that time really flies....I wish my best buddy, Donald & Tracy to be happily ever after and welcome into the club bro.....

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Merdeka Day Celebration 2010

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Street photography 2010

Photos were taken during street outing at Kuching City centre......

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